League Bylaws

NOTICE: Effective June 11, 2020, all previously submitted Waivers are not longer valid.  Prior to the start of the Fall 2020 season, all players should have submitted properly filled Waivers to the League Registrar ().  Do not wait until the last moment to get this done.

BYLAWS (June 11, 2020)

The following Bylaws will govern the organization and administration of this league. While these Bylaws and the accompanying game rules will help to maintain the type of league desired, it will be the cooperation and attitude of individual members which will determine the success of the league.

1.1 This league is a recreationally competitive league and is designed for the participation and enjoyment of men and women.

1.2 Every effort will be made to structure balanced male/female teams and to train, play and involve all team members equally.

1.3 No award shall be given at the end of the regular season. Participation is for fun, experience, and exercise only.

1.4 An optional tournament might be scheduled during each season. A perpetual trophy may be awarded to the winner of the tournament.


The League is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board will consist of league membership volunteers responsible for the operating budget, field rental, liability insurance, referees, game scheduling, website maintenance, registration, player passes, disciplinary action, Bylaws, Rules of the Game, communications and any other activity that ensures continuing League business.

2.1 Board Positions

  • Operations Officer
  • Treasurer
  • Field Rental and Insurance
  • Communications Officer
  • Registrar
  • Referee Liaison

2.2 The Board is authorized to establish an operating budget, set registration fees to cover operating expenses, conduct continuing league business and commit funds on behalf of the League.

2.3 The Board has final approval on changes to the Bylaws and game rules. A simple majority vote is necessary to enact any revision.

2.4 A Disciplinary Committee (Board members) will oversee player conduct. The Disciplinary Committee Chairman will be the Referee Liaison, Referee Coordinator, and selected Board members.

2.5 The Referee Liaison shall review referee infraction reports and/or complaints against individuals or teams and decide on any appropriate action.  If the action is not an automatic game(s) suspension, per game rules, then Referee Liaison will submit a written statement of facts along with disciplinary recommendations to the Board.

2.6 Expulsion from the league may be appealed to the Board by 1) filing a written request for appeal, indicating any pertinent facts which may assist the Board in reaching a decision, and 2) paying a non-refundable fee of fifty ($50) dollars. The Board may uphold the original ruling, lessen the ruling, or dismiss it altogether. The Board's decision must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the hearing. Copies of the decision will be sent to the Disciplinary Committee as well as the person requesting the appeal.

2.7 Team representatives must be aware of league policies and rules. The outgoing team representative should notify the Board about any team representative changes.

3.1 Teams will be formed and managed by each individual manager or coach. Team managers and register the team by the Registration deadline set by the Board.

3.2 In order to register, all players must meet the age requirements before they can register.

  • All male player needs to be 30 years of age or older on the start date of either the spring or fall seasons.
  • All female players need to be 21 years of age or older on the start date of either the spring or fall seasons.
  • Female exception: each team can have one female player between the ages of 18 and 21 years old. These players must be of age on the start date of either the spring or fall seasons.
  • All player must submit a signed waiver to the Registrar. 

3.3 In order to register a team, the team representative must submit a roster with a minimum of nine (9) male players and six (6) female players. Teams are strongly encouraged to add additional players of both genders to ensure full team participation.  Maximum players per team is 24 players including Reserves and those that leave temporarily but plan on return to play.

3.4 All players will be required to sign waiver form when applying to join the League. The waiver will remain in effect until the player leaves the League. Players must submit their signed waivers to their team manager/coach. Team Representative must collect all the players waivers and send them to the League Registrar by the deadline established by the Board. Team Representative should keep a copy.

3.5 Team Representatives may be personally liable for any injury related lawsuit if they allow a player to play without a Player Pass.  Player Passes (ID’s) are issued only after receipt of Waiver and Identification documents.

3.6 Registration fees will be determined by the Board based on anticipated operating expenses for the year - - to include liability insurance, referee fees, equipment, fields rental, and administrative costs incidental to league operations. Fees are to be paid on a per team basis by the registration deadline established by the Board.

3.7 Upon formation, each team must have two Team Representative and at least, one Team Representative will be expected to attend and/or participate in League meetings and/or decision making when requested by the Board.

3.8 Team registration fee must be received, in full, by the League Treasurer by the Registration deadline set by the DCSL Board. A team may be removed from league participation if the fees are not paid in full. There are no fee refunds.

3.9 Teams that missed the registration deadline may still apply but their participation in the current season is not guaranteed.

3.10 Teams that consistently fail to field a full team might be dropped from league play without fee refund.

3.11 All players will be required to have a player pass before playing any games. A player without a player pass will be required to submit a current picture and a copy of a current Driver's License, Passport, or another form of official identification to be used for the player pass. Player passes will not be issued without a signed Waiver. The manager of each team will be responsible for verifying the authenticity of the picture and driver's license.

3.12 Players who obtain player passes using questionable credentials may be penalized. Any player found to be underage during the playing season will be expelled from the league and will forfeit registration fees.

3.13 All player passes will be checked by the referee before play begins.

3.14 Team Representatives are responsible for keeping all player passes in their possession.

3.15 Team. Managers are responsible for making sure all Player Passes have the correct jersey number for the player the card was issued to.


4.1 Both teams are responsible for getting the field ready to play with nets and flags in place before the start of the game and for removing the same at the end of the game. If the nets and flags need to be picked up from a designated location, then the home team of the first game is responsible for picking up the equipment and the home team for the last game is responsible for taking the equipment back to designated place. If only one game is played on that field, then the home team is responsible for returning the equipment. Both teams are responsible for making sure the goals are properly secured and locked.

Home team is responsible for reporting any field anomalies to the DCSL Board.

Home team is responsible for furnishing the game ball, but it is strongly recommended that the opposing team have game balls available too.

4.2 The League uses a two-referee system. If two certified referees are not available, we may use certified linesmen or player-referees that have demonstrated soccer experience and refereeing skills.


5.1 Game Rules are revised from time to time. They may be changed only by a majority vote of the League Board and will be shared with the League membership.


6.1 It is up to each team manager and players to familiarize themselves with the league rules as well as with the rules of each city we play in.

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